
We made our pricing super simple: just two options, and everyone gets the same cool features. The only difference? Whether you're signing up as the first user or adding more people. This keeps things clear and easy, so you can quickly figure out what you need without any headache. It means everyone gets to enjoy all the good stuff equally, making it fair for all. With this straightforward approach, choosing what’s best for you is a breeze, and it lets us focus on making our service even better. Plus, this clear-cut pricing makes everything feel more open and honest, helping us all get along just fine.

First User: $22

Every user after that: $11

Sign up yearly and save 10%

We are growing with you

Adopting a user-based full feature model ensures that your Real Team Code can seamlessly grow alongside your business, accommodating each new team member without any friction or limitations. Unlike staggered pricing models, where the availability of features is directly tied to the pricing tier, our approach guarantees that every user, regardless of their role within the team, gains immediate access to the complete suite of functionalities our platform offers.

Consider the potential roadblocks in a staggered pricing scenario: An Office Admin might only have basic access, limiting their ability to fully optimize operational efficiency. A Transaction Coordinator, on a mid-tier plan, could access more features but still find themselves hindered by the absence of advanced analytics or automation tools crucial for streamlining complex processes. Meanwhile, Real Estate Agents at the highest subscription level would have no such restrictions, creating a disjointed experience where not everyone can leverage the full potential of our software to collaborate and drive success.

Our user-based full feature model eliminates these disparities, fostering a more unified and productive environment. Every addition to your team, be it an Office Admin, a Transaction Coordinator, or another Real Estate Agent, is immediately equipped with the same comprehensive toolkit. This not only simplifies onboarding but also enhances collaboration, as everyone can access and utilize the full range of features from day one. This approach empowers your entire team to perform at their best, leveraging our software's capabilities to the fullest without any barriers or bottlenecks.