The Check-In QR Code Scan

The clients first contact with the Sign In process at the Open House and the first place where the you let everybody know, who is the hosting agent today.

Scan-In Sheet

This is the “First Contact” of a potential lead in the digital Open House Process. The second thing a Open House visitor should do, after you welcome them, is scanning this sheet on their mobile device. You can either use the generic scan sheet or create your own. That can be one you use for every Open House or one specifically for this one.

Hold on, on paper? I thought this was digital?

Yes and no. The Real Team Code Open House Sign In solution is digital, and while you can also display the QR Code on a digital device, we recommend that for this step you actually print a sheet. Why?
Well, not everybody has another device laying around that, if it gets lost, damaged or even stolen doesn't matter and can be replaced within minutes.
The printed Scan Sheet can be printed multiple times, can be displayed multiple times and if it gets damaged or lost (not sure if someone would steal that), it can be replaced quickly without any loss to your business.

Can it be customized?

Absolutely! All of the steps in the Open House Workflow can be customized. Each one has its own editor and you can create one that is specific to your brand, or its specific to your current Property, or both. The choice is yours.

Can I use it for something else than an Open House?

Yes and we hope you do!
All of the steps in the Check In Workflow can be customized and are not bound to Open Houses only. Real Team Coders used it for an Valentines Day event, multiple booths at a sea food festival, vendor booths at sport events and much, much more.
Wherever you want to collect lead information, our solution is the right partner for it.